Soil Conservation Adequate Drainage: The solution for salinity & Alkanity of soil is to provide of soil is to provide adequate drainage. Use of Gypsum: Use of gypsum which is abundantly and cheaply available in Rajasthan, is economical and long term solution to the problem Afforestation: Large scale planting of saplings which act as wind breaks Shelter Belts: In dry regions rows of trees are planted to check wind movement to protect soil cover. Contour Barriers: Stone, gross, soils are used to build barrier along contours. Trenches are made in front of the boomers to collect water. Grass Development: Plantation of trees & grasses on marginal and sub marginal land. Wind strip cropping: Grass and crop strip at right angle to wind direction. Stubble Mulching: Crop stubbles are left in the field and next crop planted with minimum tillage. Contour Bonding: Ravine land can be made cultivable by leveling followed by contour bonding. The medium and deep gullies ...
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