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lake system of Rajasthan

Types of Lakes
Saline Water Lakes
  • Sambhar, Deedwana, Pichhola, Panchpadra, Lunkaransar
Sweet Water Lakes
  • Jaisamand, Rajsamand, Fateh Sagar, Udai Sagar, Ana Sagar, Nakki, Pushkar, Siliserh, Kolayat, Balsamand
Saline Water Lakes
Sambhar Lake:-
Situated - on the border of Jaipur and Nagaur districts
Length - 32 Km
Breadth - 3 Km to 12 Km
Max. Lake Area - 234 Sq. Km
Districts- Jaipur, Nagaur
It is the largest Lake of Rajasthan
It produces/makes 35 crore tons of common Salt (Nacl, No2 So4)
Salt is manufactured by Solar Evaporation method from March to July

Deedwana Lake:-
Situated - near Deedwana Town in Nagaur district
Length - 4 Km
Breadth - 2 Km
District -
Depression is surrounded by sand dunes/Hills but in west surrounded by isolated spur of the Aravalli.
Bed of the depression shows the presence of block clay.

Pachpadra Lake:-
Situated - near Pachpadra in Barmer district
Districts - Barmer
Area - 25 Sq. Km
Area of salt pits in this lake - 5000 Sq. m
Its salt corresponds more to the sea salt

Lunkaransar Lake:-
Situated - near Lunkaransar Town in Bikaner district
Area - 6 Sq. Km
District - Bikaner
Mainly sodium chloride (Nacl) is produced.

Sweet Water Lakes
Jai Samand Lake:-
Built by - Maharana Jai Singh in the year 1691
Situated -
Breadth - 1 Km to 8 Km, with circumference of 50 Km
It is a manmade lake/artificial lake
It is the largest fresh water lake of Rajasthan
It contain seven islands inhabited by Bhils, they use rough boats, called Bhil for transportation
Two canals (i) Shyampura, (ii) Bhat canals built for irrigation purposes

Raj Samand Lake:-
Built by - Maharaja Raj Singh of Udaipur in 1662 A.D.
Length - 6.5 Km
Breadth - 3 Km
Districts - Raj Samand district
It is used for irrigation
It is feed by Banas feeder canals
Raj Samand is famous for one of the largest literary works ever inscribed on stone.

Pichhola Lake:-
Built by - Banjara in the 15th century
Renovated by - Maharaja Udai Singh in early 20th century
Length - 7 Km
Breadth - 2 Km
Situated - Near Udaipur city
Fateh Sagar and Swaroop Sagar are parts of the same lake

Fateh Sagar Lake:-
Situated - In North of Pichhola Lake
Area - 3 Sq. Km
It is a artificial Lake
It has a small island which has been made a public park with a fountain

Udai Sagar Lake:-
Built by - Maharana Udai Singh between 1559 and 1565
Situated - 15 Km east of Udaipur
Length - 4 Km
Breadth - 3 Km
It is the site of famous meeting between Maharana Pratap and Kunwar Man Singh

Ana Sagar Lake:-
Built by - Ana Ji the Lord of Ajmer in 1137 A.D.
Situated - Ajmer city
It emperor Jahangir built Daulat Bagh (Subhash Garden) near this lake
Emperor Shahjahan built 378 m log ‘ Baradari’ on the lake to have a scenic view.

Nakki Lake:-
Situated - Near Mount Abu
Area - 9 Sq. Km
Deep - 35 m
It is a small Natural Lake

Pushkar Lake:-
Situated - 11 Km west of Ajmer City
Area - 3 Sq. Km
It is small Natural Lake
It is of an irregular elliptical shape surrounded by hills except in the east
Around its bank are big temples cenotaphs and bathing Ghats.
Hindu submerges the ashes of their departed relatives in the lake, as it is considered to be very holy.

Siliserh Lake:-
Situated - 12 Km west of Alwar City
Area - 10 Km
It is a small Natural Lake
It is surrounded on all sides by low hills
King Jai Singh of Alwar built a system of canal irrigation from this lake in early 20th century

Kolayat Lake:-
Situated - Near Kolayat Town about 48 Km South West of Bikaner City
Here is the famous Kapil Muni Ashram
Every year on Kartik Purnima, there is a fair attended by Hindu worshippers.

Bal Samand Lake:-
Situated - About 6 Km from Jodhpur City
It is a large Artificial Lake
It has got a small palace & small pavilions living on its banks.
It is just near the famous Mandore Gardens.


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