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The major tribes of Rajasthan

Live in Jaipur district of Rajasthan is the most Meena tribe. Meena tribes in the most educated tribe word meaning fish / fishery. The Guru - muni magar sagar, panchayat head - Patel, god - bujh, Home - Tapra, Ishtdev - bhuriya baba/ Gautameshwar. These are three types of marriages. Brahma, Gandharva, Rakshas. These divorce, Cheda Phodna, Nata pratha, Aata - SATA (type of marriage). The panchayat says the chaurasi. Meena is made primarily of two kinds jamidar meena and chowkidar meena.

Bhil tribe is the most Udaipur in live. This state is the most ancient and the other major tribe. Bhil Dravidian origin of the word "bill" is a leap from meaning. Naturals Goddess - Bradhi, Pthrkshk Goddess - Pthwari, Home - Kuo, head - Gameti, Mohalla - fala, village – pal, and the groom gives the bride price. The Rngosh Faire Faire Naturals, chaste tree - Mahua, banquet tradition of death. The cultivation of forests by burning Cimata naturals say, while in parts of the plains is called the cultivation Djia.

Meena, Bhil tribe is the state's third major tribe Garasia. According to their origin Todd "Gawas" is the word. The meaning servant. The holy place is Nakki Lake. It is the only tribe in which marriage is love. These Mor Bandia marriage, Aata - SATA marriage, Phravna marriage, Tanana marriage, Palayan marriage is prevalent. These 12 days are the bodies are cremated. The chief says the Shrol. These are ideal bird peacock.

This is the most backward tribes. Only the tribe of Rajasthan Government of India "primitive tribe" is placed in the. Kishanganj and Shahbad tehsil of Baran district in the most lives.

The tribe lives in Panchayat Simlvada, Dungarpur district. The smallest unit of a certain village says fala the head is mukhi. These men also like women to wear jewelry. This secret marriage prohibition.

This stroller and nomadic tribes. The most Hadoti (Kota) is found in. These put a few drops of alcohol in the mouth of the dying person and to bury the deceased. Before this crime is to take the blessings of Hanuman Ji and Chauthamata "Patti Mangana" is called. Ladies of the tribe is the most beautiful in all the tribes. Chakri is the expert in dance.

This tribe is found in most Bharatpur. Its origins have been considered a man named Sansmal. The tribe is divided into two species called Bija and Mala. He is exalted above the Harijans. These academics believe theft. These widow marriage is practiced.

It is basically tribe of Maharashtra. May the most is living in Udaipur district of Rajasthan. These husband - wife to sit and have a drink with. May Marathi sari style ladies binds. The "Fadka" says. Their main task is to create Kher catechu tree. The party leader - the hero is called.


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