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Rajasthan Traffic Rules 2020

Section 177, (General provisions for punishment of offences)

For first offence- 

1. 100/- for Two wheeler/e-Rickshaw/Three wheeler

2. 200/- for other than above

For Subsequent offence -

1. 200/- for Two wheeler/e-Rickshaw/Three wheeler

2. 400/- for other than above

Section 178(1), Travelling without pass or ticket in a stage carriage

Punishment : 100/-

Section 178(2), Dereliction of duty on the part of conductor of a stage carriage

Punishment : 500/-

Section 178(3)(a), Refusal to ply or carry the passengers by the driverof a two-wheeled of three-wheeled contract carriage

Punishment : 200/-

Section 179(1), Disobedience of any direction or obstructs any function by a driver

Punishment : 500/-

Section 179(2), Refusal to give information or give false information

Punishment : 1000/-

Section 180, Allowing Unauthorized person to drive vehicle

Punishment : 5000/-

Section 181, Driving without having a valid license

Punishment : 5000/-

Section 182(1), Driving a motor vehicle in a public place after disqualification under Act or applies for or obtains a license without disclosing the endorsement made on a driving license which is previously held

Punishment : 10000/-

Section 182(2), Act as a conductor of stage carriage in a public place after disqualification or applies for or obtains a conductor license without disclosing the endorsement made on a conductor's license which is previously held

Punishment : 1000/-

Section 182A(1), Offences relating to sale or delivery or alteration of motor vehicles by dealer, Manufacturer or importer violating chapter VII or rules and regulations made there under

Punishment : 1,00,000/- per such vehicle

Section 182A(3), Offences relating to sale of critical safety component which does not comply with chapter VII or rules and regulations made thereunder

Punishment : 1,00,000/- per such component

Section 182A(4), Alteration of motor vehicle by owner not permitted under the Act or the Rules and regulations made thereunder

Punishment : 5000/- per such alteration

Section 182 B, Punishment for contravention of section 62 A (Prohibition of registration and issuance of certificate of fitness to over sized vehicle)

Punishment : 5000/-

Section 183(1)(i), Drives or causes any person to drive LMV with excess speed

For first offence - 1000/- 

For the second or any subsequent offence under this sub-section the driving license of such driver shall be impounded as per the provisions of section 206(4).

Section 183(1)(ii), Drives or causes any person to drive a Medium or Heavy Goods or Passenger vehicle with excess speed

For first offence - 2000/-

For the second or any subsequent offence under this sub-section the driving license of such driver shall be impounded as per the provisions of section 206(4). 

Section 184 (C), Driving Dangerously (only to the extent to the use of Handheld communication device)

For first offence - 1000/-

For subsequent offence 10000/-

Section 186, Driving when mentally or physically unfit to drive

For first offence - 500/-

For subsequent offence - 10,000/-

Section 189, Racing and trials of speed without the written consent of state government

For first offence - 500/-

For subsequent offence - 10,000/-

Section 190(2), Drives or causes or allows to be driven, in any public place a motor vehicle, which violates the standards prescribed in relation to road safety, control of noise and air pollution

For first offence- 

1. 500/- for Two wheeler/e-Rickshaw/Three wheeler

2. 1000/- Non-transport vehicle other than two wheeled and three wheeled Non-Transport vehicle

3. 1500/- LMV Transport (other than two wheeled/e-rickshaw/three wheeled transport vehicle)

4. 2000/- Medium/Heavy Transport vehicles

For Subsequent offence -

1. 1000/- Two wheeler/e-Rickshaw/Three wheeler

2. 2000/- Non-transport vehicle other than two wheeled and three wheeled Non-Transport vehicle

3. 3000/- LMV Transport (other than two wheeled/e-rickshaw/three wheeled transport vehicle)

4. 4000/- Medium/Heavy Transport vehicles

Section 192, Using vehicle without registration or fitness:- 1. Two wheeled or three wheeled motor vehicle, 2. Passenger vehicles other than Two wheeled or three wheeled motor vehicle, 3. Agriculture Tractor/ trailer, 4. Goods vehicle

1. For first offence- 2000/-, For subsequent offence- 5000/-

2. For first offence- 5000/-, For subsequent offence- 10,000/-

3. For first offence- 2000/-, For subsequent offence- 5,000/-

4. For first offence- 5000/-, For subsequent offence- 10,000/-

Section 192 A, Using vehicle without permit or violation of permit conditions

For first offence- 10,000/-

For subsequent offence- 10,000/-

Section 194(1), 1. Driving Vehicle exceeding permissible weight read with section 113, 114. 2. In contravention of Section 115 (driving in prohibited/restricted area)

1. 20,000/- and additional Rs. 2000/- person of excess load together with the liability to pay charges for off-loading of excess load.

2. 20,000/-

Section 194(1)A, Driving a motor vehicle carrying over dimension projections

20,000/- together with the liability to pay charges for off-loading of such load.

Section 194(2), Refuses to stop and submit his vehicle to weighing after being directed by authority.


Section 194 A, Carrying excess passenger in transport vehicle

200/- per excess passenger.

Section 194 B(1), Driver or passenger without seat belt


Section 194 B(2), Carrying children below 14 years without safety belt/child restraint system


Section 194 C, Riding more than two persons on two wheeler


Section 194 D, Riding without helmets by driver & rider


Section 194 E, Not providing way for emergency vehicles (Fire Service or Ambulance)


Section 194F(a), 1. Using horn needlessly or continuously. 2. Using horn in prohibited area

For first offence- 1000/-, For subsequent offence- 2000/-

Section 194F(b), Release of exhaust gas other than silencer

For first offence- 1000/-, For subsequent offence- 2000/-

Section 196, Driving Uninsured vehicle

For first offence- 2000/-, For subsequent offence- 4000/-

Section 198, Unauthorized interference with vehicle



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