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Various Multi Purpose Project of Rajasthan

Mahi Bajaj Sagar Project :-

  • This project was started in 1971
  • Joint project- It is a joint project of Government of Rajasthan and Gujarat.
  • The main dam built on R Mahi near Banswara
  • Length- 3019 Km
  • River Mahi starts from Vindhyan RTange in M.P. and it fall in Gulf of cambay through Gujarat
  • Districts- Banswara, Dungarpur.
There are four units of Mahi Bajaj Sagar Project. They are as follows :-
  1. First Unit
    The First Unit is meant entirely for irrigation.
  2. Second Unit
    The Second Unit belongs entirely to Rajasthan and it receives power and irrigational water.
  3. Third Unit
    - In Third Unit Rajasthan is entitled for power.
    - In Third Unit power generation scheme was taken up with the construction of 2 power houses.
    - The capacity of 2 power houses is 140 mw.
    - For extending irrigation facility in the command area, Bhikabhai Sagwara Canal is under construction.
    - It will provide additional irrigation facility to an area of 11818 hectares.
  4. Fourth Unit
    - In Fourth Unit Rajasthan is authorized to receive irrigational water.
    - The original project was for 46.558 hectare, but its scope was further increased to 80000 hectares.
    - Looking to the increased availability of water, the CCA of the project was again from 80000 hectares to 123500 hectares up to March, 2009 irrigation in the area of 84707 hectares has been achieved.
    - Mahi Bajaj Sagar Project has its own command depend program under this programme, construction of water routes, roads, crossing, lining of water tracks etc. are being taken up.
    - This minimizes the loss of water.
    - Tribals of Banswara and Dungarpur are benefitted to a large extent.

Bhakra Nangal Canal Project :-

  • It is joint project of Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana, Bhakra dam is situated on Sutlej River
  • Height of Bhakra dam – 518 Km
  • Intensity of Irrigation – 62%
  • Share of Rajasthan – 15.2%
  • Rajasthan get 227 MW electricity, lakh hectares of irrigation capacity
  • Nangal dam is situated on Sutlej River
  • Length- 503
  • Height – 29 m
  • It is on downstream at a distance of 12 Km from Bhakra dam.
  • It balances the water of Bhakra dam.
  • It provides irrigation to Ganganagar and Hanumangarh.
  • There are three canals
  • Nohar
  • Bhadra
  • Hanumangarh

Narmada Project :-

  • It is joint project of Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra.
  • It has benefitted 76 village of Jalore and Barmer districts. It provide water supply to Jalore and Barmer.

Bilasalpur Project :-

  • It was started in 1986-87
  • It was made on Banas River in Tonk.
  • The dam was constructed to provide drinking water scheme for Ajmer, Beawar, Bundi, Tonk, Sawaimadhopur.
  • It provides irrigation in 81800 hectare area of Tonk.
  • Total storage capacity of dam is 38.70 TMC
  • Other activities like diary development, food industry may also be developed.


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