Milliseconds means : (One Thousandth of a second) A CPU performs : (arithmetic and logical operations) The capacity of the main memory is measured in : (MB) The first generation of computer used : (vacuum, tube technology) PCI stands for : (Peripheral Component Interface) AGP stands for : (Accelerated Graphics Port) Assembler is a : (Program) What does 'bug' indicate in computer terminology : (indicate errors in computer programs) IC's are generally fabricated on : (Silicon) What does DIP mean in computer terminology : (Dual in-line package) An 8-bit chip has : (built-in 8 bit data transfer path ) What is single chip processor known as : (Microprocessor) What is Hard Disk? (A set of magnetic plates fixed to a spindle one below the other) HDD stands for : (High density disks ) What is a System Software? (Collection of programs which is responsible for the operation and methodical working of the computers) RAM means : (Random Acc...
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